
Appreciative Inquiry

The Appreciative Inquiry Commons is a worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry and the rapidly growing discipline of positive change. It is hosted by the Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

The AI Practitioner is a quarterly online publication that highlights the best examples of successful and effective change in businesses, the public sector and communities.

AI Consulting is a group of consultants who are committed to creating a positive revolution in change by using Appreciative Inquiry to engage the "positive core" of all people and all living systems and to expand that rich potential to create organisations that are themselves agents of world benefits.


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the largest non-profit professional association worldwide of personal and business coaches with 8366 members and over 132 chapters in 34 countries. 

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) is a membership-based organisation focusing on the development of European standards, ethics and codes of conduct for the coaching and mentoring profession with a view to assure quality within the industry.


The European Professional Women's Network (EPWN) is an online European network of 5,000 professional women dedicated to leading positive and progressive change for and through their organisations.

"The opportunity for innovation lies at the intersection of differences. Change happens at the verge - where something and something different meet."

--- Joel Barker